Device-Based Treatment for Vaginal Wellness Manuscript
Macrene Alexiades, MD, PhD1,2
An at-home transvaginal device (vSculpt/VFit, Joylux) uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the red and infrared range (662-855 nm) to heat the vaginal surface to 41 °C (38.6 °C- 44.1 °C). The device also employs vibration at 80 to 110 Hz for up to 10-minute treatment sessions. Improvement in UI showed 84% of patients with >50% improvement, with a reduction in the 1-hour median pad weight test from 18 g to 0 g.38 On the UDI and Incon- tinence Impact Questionnaire Short Form (IIQ), UDI improved by >50% in 92% of patients, and IIQ improved in 85% of patients and decreased in 69%. On the FSFI and FSDS, improvements in 77% and 81% of patients, respectively, were reported. Patient satisfaction was rated as moderate to extreme at 83%.38 On histology, increases in collagen and elastin production in cells by irradiated fibroblasts were observed. This production was proportional to the duration of exposure.