Life-changing vaginal wellness solution
Our Devices & Accessories
Life-changing Vaginal Wellness Solutions
Our Patented Technology
Animated illustration of red light
Red Light (LEDs) Energy
Animated illustration of heat waves
Thermal Energy
Animated illustration of sonic waves
Sonic Technology
Animated Illustrated Icon of a squeeze tube to represent the JoyLux Phototonic Gel for use with the vFit intimate health device
Photonic Gel
vFit and vFit Plus Features
Using Our Devices
Follow these simple steps for improved intimate health:
Illustrated Icon of the JoyLux Phototonic Gel for use with the vFit intimate health device

Illustration of Joylux vFit Device

Illustrated icon of a stopwatch

vFit and vFit Plus

Our revolutionary devices, designed with menopausal women in mind, promote vaginal wellness, improve sensation, and increase confidence, all from the privacy of home at a fraction of the cost of in-office options.

Learn more below about our patented technology, product features and use, and determine which device – vFit or vFit Plus – is right for you.

Compare Our Devices

Our devices may look the same, but their power levels and features differ. Find out more in the nearby chart.

Can't decide between vFit or vFit PLUS?

Interested in vFit Plus? Use our Locator below to find a professional nearest you.
Find a Doctor

Interested in purchasing vFit Plus or HER Intimate Care from a provider? Enter your location below to find the doctor nearest you.

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Outside the US? Learn about vSculpt.

*vFit and vFit Plus are designated as low-risk general wellness devices by the FDA. vSculpt is not for sale in the U.S.