Making Sex After Menopause More Comfortable - Joylux

Making Sex After Menopause More Comfortable

Menopause brings many changes, but discomfort during sex doesn't have to be one of them. Here are some ways to enhance your comfort and enjoyment:

Embrace Lubrication

Vaginal dryness is a common issue post-menopause, and using lubricants can significantly reduce friction and discomfort. Consider these options:

Water-based lubricants

Effective but may require reapplication during sex. They are easy to clean and generally compatible with condoms and sex toys.

Silicone-based lubricants

Longer-lasting than water-based options, providing a silky feel without needing frequent reapplication. However, they can stain sheets and damage silicone sex toys.

Oil-based lubricants

These provide lasting lubrication and can feel very moisturizing. Safe options include coconut oil, which is natural and can be soothing for the skin. However, oil-based lubricants should not be used with latex condoms as they can degrade the material, making condoms less effective.

When choosing a lubricant, avoid those containing glycerin, parabens, perfumes, or warming ingredients, as they can cause irritation. Finding a lubricant with minimal and gentle ingredients can help maintain comfort and prevent adverse reactions.

It's essential to apply lubricant not only to the vaginal area but also to your partner’s penis, fingers, or any sex toys you may be using. This ensures maximum comfort and reduces friction during intercourse.

Strengthen with Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor muscles support your bladder and vagina, and strengthening them can improve your sexual experience. Pelvic floor therapy, including Kegel exercises, can address muscle weakness or tightness. Consult a pelvic floor physical therapist for personalized exercises and treatments like dilator therapy. The vFit device also aids in strengthening the pelvic floor, enhancing your overall intimate health.

Pelvic floor therapy is crucial as these muscles play a vital role in sexual function. Weak or tight muscles can lead to discomfort during sex. Kegel exercises are commonly recommended, but it’s essential to do the right ones. A pelvic floor therapist can provide guidance on exercises that will help and those that might exacerbate the issue.

Additionally, devices like vFit can enhance pelvic floor therapy by using gentle heat and red light to promote muscle strength and overall vaginal health. Regular use can help in maintaining muscle tone, making sex more comfortable.

Enhance Sensation with Vibration

Regular use of devices that promote blood flow and natural lubrication can boost comfort and pleasure. vFit, which emits gentle vibrations, can be used several times a week to enhance sensation and improve hydration, making sex more pleasurable.

Vibration therapy not only increases blood flow but also stimulates natural lubrication. This can be particularly beneficial after menopause when dryness is a common issue. Incorporating a device like vFit, which provides both gentle vibration and warmth, can help in maintaining vaginal health and comfort.

Additional Tips for Comfort

Use a Vaginal Moisturizer

Apply every few days to maintain moisture.

Vaginal moisturizers are different from lubricants as they are used regularly to maintain moisture rather than just during sexual activity. These can help improve the tissue quality in and around your vagina, making sex more comfortable over time.

Communicate with Your Partner

Take time with foreplay and explore different positions.

Foreplay can help increase arousal and lubrication naturally. Taking more time to engage in activities like kissing, touching, and manual stimulation can make sex more enjoyable. Trying different positions can also help find what’s most comfortable and pleasurable for you.

Have More Sex

Regular sexual activity can help with blood flow and moisture to your vagina.

Once you can have comfortable sex, try to have it more often. Regular sexual activity increases blood flow to the vaginal area, which can help maintain its health and lubrication. Exploring different positions, such as being on top, can also allow you to control the depth and pace, enhancing comfort.

Seek Professional Advice

A healthcare provider can guide you on suitable treatments and therapies.

If over-the-counter solutions aren’t effective, a healthcare provider can recommend other treatments. Prescription medications, hormone therapies, and specialized physical therapy can all be part of a comprehensive approach to managing menopause-related sexual discomfort.

Embrace this new phase with confidence and joy by exploring these options to find what works best for you. Making small adjustments and trying new methods can significantly enhance your sexual comfort and pleasure after menopause.

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