How FemTech Wins Clubhouse & Why You Should Tap In
By 2030, the FemTech market value will cross $48.5B; the evaluation reflects the currently unmet needs for products and services that contribute to women’s health and wellness. FemTech refers to end-to-end technical solutions that exclusively address female health needs, including diagnostic tools, software, mobile apps, and wearables.
Unfortunately, the promise of FemTech meets digital marketing challenges. For example, Facebook red flags SexTech products due to taboo pleasure associations without acknowledging that SexTech is an integral part of the healing process for many women who have had traumatic sexual experiences. ..who have had traumatic sexual experiences. But it’s not just SexTech ads that get rejected, so do vaginal hygiene, breastfeeding, and post-vaginal birth recovery. These ads do not encompass content related to sex but are perceived as inappropriate based on the over-sexualization of women’s bodies. Misconceptions of taboo subject matters and steep product education curves mean that companies’ ability to marketing on Big Tech platforms is sometimes limited.