This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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Meet Our Advisors: 8 Experts Striving for Improved Intimate Health for Women - Joylux

Meet Our Advisors: 8 Experts Striving for Improved Intimate Health for Women

At Joylux, we’re on a mission to improve women’s intimate health. For decades, women’s sexual health has been ignored and overlooked by the medical research and business communities. And change doesn’t happen overnight.  We want to take a minute to celebrate our advisors who are actively driving change in the...

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vFit and the FemTech Revolution - Joylux

vFit and the FemTech Revolution

We can’t seem to get through a single television show these days without being bombarded by the classic erectile dysfunction ad. You know the one: a beautiful older woman stares dramatically into the camera and explains how a product that helps her male partner improves her life. Advancements in women’s...

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6 Powerful Women Who Are Crushing the Taboos on Women’s Intimate Health - Joylux

6 Powerful Women Who Are Crushing the Taboos on Women’s Intimate Health

There is some serious change on the horizon. From the inspiring women transforming the way we research, teach and learn, to the brave entrepreneurs creating innovative products by and for women — strong female role models are rising up and making their mark. And we're loving every second of it....

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