This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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Your Life After a Hysterectomy - Joylux

Your Life After a Hysterectomy

Each year, nearly 500,000 U.S. women undergo hysterectomies. Women face the decision to get their uterus and other reproductive organs removed for several reasons. Despite how common these procedures are, the decision can take a heavy toll on your emotions. This surgery saves lives, and with the right emotional and...

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Intimacy, Sexual Health, and Why They Matter - Joylux

Intimacy, Sexual Health, and Why They Matter

Intimacy and sex are often interchangeable in conversation, and both are highly beneficial to a woman’s physical & emotional well-being, and overall intimate health. However, each varies in its contribution to one’s intimate wellness. When you think of the word “intimacy,” your brain may automatically think about sex. However, intimacy...

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Bladder Sling Surgery: Weighing the Options - Joylux

Bladder Sling Surgery: Weighing the Options

If you’re afraid to laugh, cough, or jump because you might pee a little, you’re not alone. An estimated 75% of women over age 40 suffer from some form of urinary incontinence. Though vaginal childbirth is a common cause of this condition, it’s not the only reason you leak a...

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Debunk Aging Myths: Age How You Want To - Joylux

Debunk Aging Myths: Age How You Want To

Aging is a fact of life for all humans, but women seem to get more scrutinized over the process. Advertisements, magazine articles, talk shows, and social media bombard us with ways to reverse, defy, and stop signs of aging. Women begin fillers and botox in their 20’s now, and sunscreen...

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Understanding Mammograms and Other Breast Imaging Options - Joylux

Understanding Mammograms and Other Breast Imaging Options

The American College of Radiology recommends annual breast imaging screening for all women over 40. Not only women with symptoms. Not only women with a family history of breast cancer. All women.  Breast cancer screening promotes early detection, which can prevent more aggressive treatments and improve your survival rate. As...

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Learn How Vitamin D Can Support Intimate Wellness During Menopause - Joylux

Learn How Vitamin D Can Support Intimate Wellness During Menopause

You probably know that vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and supports bone health. But vitamin D may also be a close ally during menopause as it’s a prohormone (a substance the body converts to hormones) and not a vitamin. Before we dig into how vitamin D may be...

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