This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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Kegels & Pelvic Floor Care: Doing Kegels Correctly - Joylux

Kegels & Pelvic Floor Care: Doing Kegels Correctly

Every muscle in the body needs a good workout, including your vagina and pelvic floor. That’s where Kegels come in. Branded by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940s, these exercises were originally intended to prevent urine leakage. But we later learned they benefit us in more ways than one. Maintaining...

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Intimate Lubricant Options - Joylux

Intimate Lubricant Options

A good intimate lubricant enhances your sexual experience, but there’s often a considerable stigma attached to its use. We’re here to dispel the myths around this essential component for a healthy sex life, and how it can help improve vaginal wellness. Your vagina doesn’t self-lubricate on cue despite what we...

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How health apps support overall wellness - Joylux

How health apps support overall wellness

If you want to track your health, there’s an app for that. Health apps and telemedicine have witnessed tremendous growth over the past several years. Browse your mobile app store, and you’ll find hundreds of apps to track everything going on with your body. Plus, more patients and healthcare providers...

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Women’s Intimate Health: UTIs - Causes & Prevention - Joylux

Women’s Intimate Health: UTIs - Causes & Prevention

We’ve likely all felt it at some point — an intense need to pee followed by a burning sensation. Some women are more prone than others to UTIs, but we can do several things to prevent them. One thing we shouldn’t do is ignore them. An untreated UTI can lead...

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Intimate Health: Body Changes Post-Pregnancy - Joylux

Intimate Health: Body Changes Post-Pregnancy

Many women embrace postpartum changes. Moms joke with each other about peeing a little every time they sneeze, laugh or exercise. Even though these changes are normalized, you can and should fix them. The medical term for this is stress incontinence, and it’s a sign you have issues going on...

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Say nope to soap - Use this instead - Joylux

Say nope to soap - Use this instead

Cleansing your vulva is a sensitive issue, literally. Soap can irritate the delicate vulvar skin, causing redness, inflammation, and itching. Plus, the vulva is the last line of defense for your vagina, so anything you put on or near your vulva matters to your overall intimate health.

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