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7 Reasons Your Sex Drive is Zapped
If you feel sexual desire or enjoyment has gone to the wayside, it’s time to check in with your mind and body. Though it’s not uncommon for your libido to change from time to time, this loss of interest may be linked to something else going on. It’s time to...
Having a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause
With age comes experience. So the older you get, the better your sex life should become. By now, you understand pleasure, and you likely also have fewer hang-ups about your body and yourself in general than you did in your 20’s and 30’s. So, these can be the best years...
How do I know I’m in Menopause?
Though menopause is a normal part of life, it can feel like anything but business as usual. Your body and mood change, and you feel like you’re going through a second puberty at times. Everyone’s experience with menopause is unique, but some early signs are common for many women. Get...
How Menopause Affects Your Hair
If you notice a lot more hair in the drain and on your chin, it’s likely due to hormonal changes during menopause. As your estrogen and progesterone levels decline, your luscious locks may turn dry, brittle, and dull. You may also notice hair loss and more hair in some undesirable...
Emotionally & Psychologically Preparing for Retirement
Retirement is something we start planning far in advance. We squirrel away money in funds, map out our dream vacations, and decide what lifestyle we want to live. But how often do we think about the emotional and psychological changes we go through after we leave the office for the...
Understanding Mammograms and Other Breast Imaging Options
The American College of Radiology recommends annual breast imaging screening for all women over 40. Not only women with symptoms. Not only women with a family history of breast cancer. All women. Breast cancer screening promotes early detection, which can prevent more aggressive treatments and improve your survival rate. As...