This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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Say nope to soap - Use this instead - Joylux

Say nope to soap - Use this instead

Cleansing your vulva is a sensitive issue, literally. Soap can irritate the delicate vulvar skin, causing redness, inflammation, and itching. Plus, the vulva is the last line of defense for your vagina, so anything you put on or near your vulva matters to your overall intimate health.

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Do I need vitamins, and what do I look for? - Joylux

Do I need vitamins, and what do I look for?

As you navigate through menopause, the decline in estrogen levels can significantly impact your overall health. This can lead to decreased bone density, and changes in the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. You might also find that getting a good night's sleep becomes more challenging. Furthermore, everything from...

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A new look at spring cleaning - Joylux

A new look at spring cleaning

As the winter skies clear, spring is here to remind us to declutter, re-organize, and invite in something new. At Joylux, we are huge fans of self-care rituals— and a major part of self care is creating an environment in your home that makes you feel at peace. That’s why...

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6 Dermatology Treatments to Get Your Glow Back - Joylux

6 Dermatology Treatments to Get Your Glow Back

We believe that we are all beautiful, just the way we are. While some women embrace aging with grace and confidence, others invest in treatments to help them feel younger. We encourage you to do what makes you feel your absolute best. From topical serums to in-office procedures, you have...

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Dating, sex, and intimacy as an older woman - Joylux

Dating, sex, and intimacy as an older woman

Are you thinking about re-entering the dating scene later in life? Feeling like a fish out of water is entirely normal. After all, a lot has changed since your 20’s. It may be hard to meet singles your age, and the new era of dating mostly happens online. If you’re...

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Close Friends Are Key to Your Health - Joylux

Close Friends Are Key to Your Health

When we were young, friends were the social glue that held us together. Whether it’s carpooling to kids’ sports, weekend cookouts, or Sunday brunches, our friends kept our social calendar full. But as we age, friendship is the key to our well being. Once our families are grown and the...

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