Joylux univHERsity

Joy, Light and Wellness

This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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Women We Admire: Jenny Galluzzo - Joylux

Women We Admire: Jenny Galluzzo

As co-founder of The Second Shift, Jenny Galluzzo lives her life committed to the empowerment of women through work. From curating member events to connecting with the larger community, Jenny’s passion for gender equity has made her a powerful agent for change in the workplace. Joylux checked in with this inspiring founder...

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Women We Admire: Arion Long - Joylux

Women We Admire: Arion Long

After health struggles and loss, Femly CEO Arion Long emerged with renewed strength to focus on improving women’s intimate health. Joylux caught up with this fearless founder to discuss the ups and downs of her admirable career.  What first inspired you to create your business? I started my business after...

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Women We Admire: Dr. Angelish Kumar - Joylux

Women We Admire: Dr. Angelish Kumar

At Joylux, we’re inspired by women who speak up intelligently and compassionately about intimate health and wellbeing. There is no better example than Dr. Angelish Kumar, a groundbreaking doctor and trusted leader in urologic health. Dr. Kumar is a board-certified urologist in New York City. After graduating from the Tufts...

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Women We Admire: Susanne Pruitt - Joylux

Women We Admire: Susanne Pruitt

Antica Farmacista is a women-owned luxury fragrance company in Seattle, founded by best friends Shelley Callaghan and Susanne Pruitt. With sumptuous scents, quality ingredients, and sophisticated design, Antica fragrances are a sensory delight and a favorite in my home. In fact, I love their products so much that we’re offering...

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