This is general information and not specific medical advice. It does not and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by your healthcare provider.
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What’s The Best Soap For Feminine Hygiene? - Joylux

What’s The Best Soap For Feminine Hygiene?

When you walk down the personal hygiene section in the grocery store, you’ll see soaps and products for every part of a person’s body. Among the hundreds of cleansers, shampoos, and body washes, there is usually a sad little section of soap for women’s intimate hygiene, with just a handful of options.

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Best alternatives to douching - Joylux

Best alternatives to douching

If you believe you need to douche to keep your vagina clean and odor-free, you’re not alone. It has become a common misconception that douching is necessary, but it isn’t. In reality, there are better alternatives to douching. We’ll talk about how it does more harm than good, and what...

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Vaginal Dryness Treatment, Symptoms, and Questions - Joylux

Vaginal Dryness Treatment, Symptoms, and Questions

Vaginal dryness is a common occurrence, so you may experience it at some point in your life. Luckily, vaginal dryness treatment options can help relieve the symptoms and restore your vaginal health.  While vaginal dryness is more prevalent during menopause, it can occur at any age for various reasons. Usually,...

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6 fascinating facts about your vagina - Joylux

6 fascinating facts about your vagina

For most of human history, vaginas have been a hush-hush topic. Researchers didn’t have a medical term for vaginas until the late 1600s. Researchers didn’t include women in clinical trials until 1994.  Yet, even as vaginas mystified medicine, we’ve compiled some pretty interesting facts about them throughout the years.  When...

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Did the pandemic end the divide between moms? - Joylux

Did the pandemic end the divide between moms?

No matter how you frame it, motherhood is exhausting. However, since the early 90s, women have been battling over whether or not we belong in the workforce or at home raising children. It has created a difficult challenge of balancing work and motherhood. The pandemic handed us dozens of lessons, including...

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The Gender Health Gap: Why Your Body Should Matter in Medicine - Joylux

The Gender Health Gap: Why Your Body Should Matter in Medicine

On June 10, 1993, Congress passed the NIH Revitalization Act to establish guidelines for including women and people of color in clinical research. Until 30 years ago, women of childbearing potential were excluded from the early phases of many clinical trials. Researchers largely avoided the hormone cycle of the female body altogether,...

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