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6 Dermatology Treatments to Get Your Glow Back
We believe that we are all beautiful, just the way we are. While some women embrace aging with grace and confidence, others invest in treatments to help them feel younger. We encourage you to do what makes you feel your absolute best. From topical serums to in-office procedures, you have...
Dating, sex, and intimacy as an older woman
Are you thinking about re-entering the dating scene later in life? Feeling like a fish out of water is entirely normal. After all, a lot has changed since your 20’s. It may be hard to meet singles your age, and the new era of dating mostly happens online. If you’re...
Close Friends Are Key to Your Health
When we were young, friends were the social glue that held us together. Whether it’s carpooling to kids’ sports, weekend cookouts, or Sunday brunches, our friends kept our social calendar full. But as we age, friendship is the key to our well being. Once our families are grown and the...
Get Comfortable Asking for What You Want In Bed
Giving feedback during sex can feel intimidating. These conversations are rarely a part of lusty scenes in movies — and it definitely didn’t come up during the awkward sex talks we had as kids. It’s as if women are supposed to automatically enjoy every part of sex merely because they...
vFit: Our Intimate Wellness Device & Its Benefits
Our lady parts change a lot over the years. From puberty to motherhood. Onward into perimenopause and menopause. Vaginas change size and shape. Labias stretch, thin out and turn different hues. Even our moisture levels, odors, and sensations adjust down there. As women, we aren’t given much advice on managing...
Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention Tips
I don’t know about you, but I grew up believing that vaginas were supposed to smell like flowers and never have anything leaking out of them outside of menstruation. Girl, was I wrong. Now that I’m older and wiser, I know vaginal smells and discharge change frequently throughout the month....